Saturday, November 26, 2005

Beauty of the nature

This flower was actually quite small only a centimeter or two in diameter. It is so small and fragile yet so beautiful. I like the colour of the petals and the small green star in he middle.

I think that everybody should every now and then stop and look around a little. Life is too short to be rushing around all the time. Stop for a while and look around. Look and see all those little things you most likely have missed in the hasty life of yours. Look around and appreciate the small and pretty things you see.

Life and the world around you is full of amazing things just waiting for you to find them. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...


I just happened to run into your blog and I would like to comment on one thing. ..or actually two.

1) You have one big problem with all your photos. They look clumsy and dull because you have always centered the topic of the photo exactly in the middle of the canvas. Instead, use the golden section (3:5, 5:8, 8:13,...) to place your topics. A good example of a golden section is the Botticelli's Venus in a seashell, who leans on the golden section. If she didn't it would look as if she was going to fall down, but the golden section keeps her up standing.

For example your winning photo. It was good, because it wasn't centered in the middle. BUT it would have been even better if off-centered even more. Also the grey background is too dominating and therefore the photo is somewhat boring.

2) Despite what I just said, I like this photo here even though it IS centerd. I think it's because the flower is round. Therefore it's harmonious in the almost square canvas. Nice colours, yet I would have added a little more contrast to it.

Unknown said...

Thanks for comments and tips ls. I'd like to take a moment to comment on your comments.

1) All of the photos I have here on this blog are cropped from larger ones. Sure I could have cropped them using the golden section but then I would have rn into another problem: There would've been way too much unnecessary elements on the picture. That wouldn't have served the purpose either in my opinion. I will take heed and try to look for the golden section in more versatile way. Even though I am obviously rather blind to it.

2) Thank you for this. I am still in process of learning to use photoshop (or equivalent software) to vivify the colours naturally. These kind of comments help me to learn to do just that.

Oh and one more thing. Sometimes (in my case most of the times) photographer is a victim of the situation. All I can do is to take the picture and retouch it later and as I said I am in the midlle of learning process in that. As much as I'd like to, I can't actually go and cut flowers from someone elses garden to take better picture. Or tell the clouds to stand still. Nor the butterfly to pose for me, now can I?